The Popular Theater in Early Byzantium (4th.-7th. Centuries)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer in Department of History, Faculty of Women Ain Shams University

2 استاذ تاریخ العصور الوسطى جامعة عین شمس

3 مدرس تاریخ العصور الوسطى بکلیة البنات جامعة عین شمس


The theater originated in a Greek religious beginning. By the time it lost his religious appearance. It became an important social feature in Roman society.  Played an important role in achieving political goals as circulation instrument to get   political support. Byzantine society reported some types of Theatrical shows as mime and pantomime.It was very popular in byzantine society. t can be said that the theater that a religious genesis originated as part of the worship of the god Dionysius, has lost its religious dimension over time, and has become an important political and social function, where theatrical performances enjoyed great popularity in early Byzantine society, that popular whose influence extended to the Christian Church, which realized the difficulty of de-mining This institution. This is because of the political support for the Theater Foundation. As a result, some theater styles, such as pantomime and mime shows, continued. Which some elites have defended as having an important educational content for the stories they provide of the gods, myths and ancient history of Rome.
