Aims and Scope

Journal of Scientific Research in Arts (Mağallaẗ Al-Baḥṯ Al-ʿilmī Fī Al-Āadab) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams University. The journal is published in both print and online versions, and it guarantees a fair and accurate reviewing process.

The journal publishes research papers in the fields of humanities and social sciences such as literature, linguistics, anthropology, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. Journal of Scientific Research in Arts (Mağallaẗ Al-Baḥṯ Al-ʿilmī Fī Al-Āadab) publishes original research papers of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of the journal. Submissions are accepted throughout the year. Special issues devoted to important topics in humanities and social sciences will occasionally be published.