Contributions of the five major factors of personality in predicting overcoming psychological stress among divorced women in Egyptian society

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology - College of Education - Qassim University- KSA


This research aims to identify the extent of the contributions of the five major personality factors in predicting and overcoming the psychological stress of divorced women in Egyptian society, to achieve this goal, the sample consisted of (176) divorced women. Personality Prepared by Tom Buchanan (2001), The measure of overcoming psychological stress was prepared by the researcher, and the researcher used the descriptive approach. The results showed that divorced women in Egyptian society have a high level of conscientiousness and openness to experience and medium levels of extraversion, neuroticism, and acceptability. They also have a high level of ability to overcome psychological stress in general in its emotional, spiritual, and functional dimensions, and the level of ability to overcome psychological stress in its social and material economic dimensions was medium. The results also showed that the level of overcoming psychological stress in general among divorced Egyptian women increases with increasing age, the number of years of marriage and the quality of higher education. The results also confirmed the high positive contributions of the factors of openness to experience and extroversion in overcoming psychological pressures among divorced women and that neuroticism had negative contributions. In predicting and overcoming psychological pressures, the more neuroticism increases, the less it helps overcome those pressures. Conscience awareness had a positive contribution in predicting overcoming psychological pressures in their emotional and spiritual dimensions, while the acceptability factor had a positive contribution in predicting overcoming psychological stress in its material and economic dimensions


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