Future anxiety caused by the Corona pandemic as a modified variable fosar the relationship between psychological immunity and perceived psychological stress in a sample of the mentally gifted people

Document Type : Original Article


Center for Curriculum and Instructional Materials Development


The objective of the research is to reveal the role of future anxiety as a modified variable for the relationship between psychological immunity and psychological stress in a sample of mentally gifted people, and also to reveal the differences between mentally gifted males and females in future anxiety resulting from the Corona pandemic and perceived psychological stress and psychological immunity.
Procedures: The sample consisted of mentally gifted males and females; Their ages ranged between (16-18) years, and tools were used, is: the future anxiety scale (prepared by the researcher), the psychological immunity scale (prepared by the researcher), the perceived psychological stress scale (prepared by the researcher), and the scale of the socio-economic and cultural level (prepared by: Mohamed Saafan, Doaa Khattab 2002) The search produced results that lead to: That the points of the study sample of the mentally gifted people on the future anxiety scale can modify the strength of the relationship between their points on the scales of psychological immunity and perceived psychological stress, and statistically significant differences were found between the mean points of the study sample of the mentally gifted males and females on the future anxiety scale in the direction of males, and there were statistically significant differences between the mean points of the study sample of the mentally gifted male and female on the scale of psychological immunity in the direction of females,


Main Subjects