Developing Mind-Reading Skills is an Approach to Reducing the Symptoms of Alexithymia In Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Document Type : Original Article


psychology department college of art fayoum university


The current study aimed to discover the effectiveness of a treatment program to develop mind reading skills for children with autism spectrum disorder as an Approach to reduce the symptoms of alexithymia. The study relied on two groups of participating children, one experimental and the other controlling (16 children) whose ages ranged (7-9 years). The tools were the Mind Theory Concepts Scale, the Alexithymia Symptom Scale, the Stanford-Binet Scale of Intelligence, the Fifth Editation and the Childhood Autism Rating  Scale.The tools also included a treatment program to develop mind reading skills. The psychometric competence of the study measures was verified. The study hypothesis, the first hypothesis, There are statistically significant differences in the post-measurement of mind-reading skills and alexithymia symptoms between the experimental group and the control group, and second hypothesis states: There are statistically significant differences between the pre-measurement and the post-measurement of mind-reading skills and the alexithymia symptoms of the experimental group. In favor of the post-measurement, the results revealed that there are statistically significant differences in the post-measurement of mind reading skills and alexithymia symptoms between the experimental group and the control group, and the results also resulted in statistically significant differences between the pre-measurement and the post-measurement of mind reading skills and the alexithymia symptoms of the experimental
 group in favor of the post -measurement Dimensional, which reveals the effectiveness of the  treatment program used in the  study
