Psychological immunity as a modified variable for the relationship between Covid-19 anxiety and exam anxiety among university students

Document Type : Original Article


psychology department college of art fayoum university


This study aimed to reveal the relationship between psychological immunity and both Covid-19 anxiety and exam anxiety. The tools were represented in the psychological immunity scale and Covid-19 anxiety scale and exam anxiety scale. The study based on a group of participants from Fayoum University students with 126 male and female students who Their ages ranged between (19-23) with an average age (20.63) and a standard deviation (1.474). The results revealed the significance of the relationship between the three variables of the study, where the value of the correlation coefficient between psychological immunity and anxiety Covid-19 (0.71) and the value of the correlation between psychological immunity and exam anxiety (0,78) and the value of correlation Covid-19 and exam anxiety was    (0, 91) The results of the statistical analysis using the Amos program also revealed the significance of the effect of Covid-19 anxiety on exam anxiety, which amounted to (0.722). The results did not reveal the effect of psychological immunity on the relationship between Covid-19 anxiety and exam anxiety, where the effect of virus anxiety was higher than the effect of immunity Psychological among students. The study recommended the necessity of providing psychological support to students and enrolling them in cognitive behavioral counseling programs to develop their psychological immunity and training them on how to face psychological and health Crises  
