Meaning of Life and its Relation to Personality Types According to Enneagram Theory in University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Arts - (In Psychology)- Ain Shams University


     The study is Aimd to The  Relation between the Meaning of life and the Nine Personality Types according Enneagram Theory, Also Aimd to the level of the Meaning of life with Undergraduates for any demographic varibles type (specialization"scientific-literary",Gender"Males-Females", Age" 18-23",Education level"first-second-third-fourth". Also Aimd to the Personality Types according Enneagram Theory with Undergraduates for any demographic  varibles type (specialization"scientific
-literary",Gender"Males-Females", Age" 18-23",Education level"first-second-third-fourth".Also 2001 the edited 2nd edition(Translated by the Researcher) and Meaning of Life (prepared by the Resercher) on a sample N=239 students(males-females)from Ain-shams and Al Azhar University.The Study Resulted There is a statistically significant Relationship Between Both Meaning of Life and Nine Types of Personality for Undrgraduates. There is No Statistical Significant Difference In The Meaning Of Life For Undergraduates For Any Demographic Variables Types. There is No Statistical Significant Difference In The Personality Types according Enneagram Theory  For Undergraduates For Any Demographic Variables Types.
