Pictures of political asylum cases in Andalusia during the era of the Umayyad state (138 AH / 755 CE - 422 AH / 1031 CE

Document Type : Original Article


History Department, Ain-Shams University


Umayyad rule period is considered one of the most prosperous periods of Andalusian history. In spite of this, the state established by Prince Abdul Rahman bin Muawiyah al-Dakhil, who was a political refugee, was also not free from cases of political asylum, whether from the princes of the ruling family or from their followers or even from the clergy and scholars, where each one of them had different reasons for asylum. In general, Andalusia witnessed a number of cases of political asylum in its different eras, we devoted this study to Umayyad era, given that it is the golden age of Muslims in Andalusia, we reviewed in this research the features of the most important cases of asylum in Andalusia during this era, and we did not address all cases of asylum, we only examined asylum cases that we believed had affected political life in Andalusia.
