Poetic Explanation in Criticism- Criticism of Al shantamri at Hamasa Abu Tammam

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Shaqraa University


The summary aims to find out the extent of the technical and monetary value of al-Shantmari's explanation of The Passion's enthusiasm, through an analytical introspective approach to his approaches to enthusiastic poetry, according to his objective and aesthetic levels, and the research concluded the following general conclusion: The explanation of Al-Shantmari is not a specialized linguistic explanation. It is a record of many artistic and critical shortcomings affecting the elements of poetry, such as the word, composition and meaning, and its linguistic and aesthetic aspects, and its uniqueness with artistic looks and critical judgments, and it has not been invoked in that regard. All to pure taste and impressionism, but to the constant standards of ancient critics to show the value of the poetic fresco, demonstrating that each element of poetry has its own subtle measures, all of which are aimed at clarity, injury and perfection in poetic meanings, as well as aesthetic or absolute idealism. As such, al-Shantmari's explanation of Abu Tammam's enthusiasm is a testament to the fact that the commentary on poetry increased interest in it until it reached its peak in the 4th and 5th centuries, becoming an art of literature.


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