لاحتراز من فساد المعنى وأثره فی الضوابط والإجراءات النحویة

Document Type : Original Article


ج ام القری


The research dealt with the importance of the meaning, the point of view 
of the ancients about it as served from the word. Then the search dealt with the 
images of corruption of the meaning:
1. The Multiplicity of the meaning without a presumption to determine the 
2. The complexity of grammatical authorship.
3. The dissonance of the semantics of the word that forms the structure.
Then the research dealt with the aspects of the interest of the 
grammarians in the meaning and their precaution of its corruption. This is 
reflected in the following points:
1. The scholar's violation to his approach.
2. The scholar's violation to the rules of his career.
3. The scholars' violation to some of them in directing readings.
4. Precaution of a lot of controls and rules protecting the correct meaning.
The search presented a group of these controls and rules, confirming that 
the combination of these rules are all three controls: benefit , rightness and 
confusion security.
The research also dealt with the most prominent procedures taken by the 
grammarians in order to avoid the corruption of the meaning:
1. Choosing a meaning for a formula without another.
2. Choosing a meaning for a word with its positional meaning.
3. Choosing a meaning for a tool without another.
4. Appropriating between the influential and the affected.
5. Choosing a syntactic function without another.
Thus, the research defines the corruption of the meaning as: the inability 
of the recipient to collect a conclusive benefit from the linguistic structure, 
either because of the possibility of more than a meaning without conclusive 
presumption of the intended meaning, or the complexity in composing it or the 
dissonance of the semantics of its words related within.
It has been the rejection of the grammarians of any means leading to
something decisive. They took the necessary procedures to deter it before it 
was formed.


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