Tolerance in the Quran and Sunnah

Document Type : Original Article


1 Degree: Master of Arts in Philosophy.department:Philosophy

2 أستاذ الفلسفة الإسلامیة کلیة البنات - جامعة عین شمس

3 أستاذ مساعد بقسم الفلسفة کلیة البنات - جامعة عین شمس


Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers all aspects of life for all eras and places. The Islamic religion is based on virtuous morals and high values and principles, and these principles include the tolerance that Islamic law advocates for, the Quran and Sunnah. Islam rejects religious hatred and gives one the right to choose his religion.
We see tolerance in the prophet's dealings with the People of The Muslims and with People of other heavenly religions and the treatment of Muslims with non-Muslims. The treatment was based on good manners, respect, friendliness and tolerance, since the Muslim has the right to deal with non-Muslims economically and socially, even if he is different from him in religion.
Tolerance in Islamic law takes many examples: mercy, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, compassion, repentance, leniency, righteousness and charity.
Tolerance in Islam is a tolerance that is both verbal and practical, and this is shown in the humanity of the Islamic religion and Islamic history attests to this, tolerance is not easy, it needs patience, restraint, lack of recklessness and chest capacity, and these things are not available to every human being, especially nowadays, when everyone hunts for mistakes. A tolerant human being must be characterized by all good attributes.
