The history of using electricity in Alexandria governorate (1893-2017) (A study in The Geography of Energy)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer Assistant

2 Prof .human geography faculty of girls Ain Shams University

3 assistant .prof. economic geography faculty of girls' Ain Shams University


      The study of the history of the use of electrical energy in Alexandria Governorate in the period of time (1983-2017) deals with four time stages. Each stage examines the development of the electrical system from production, transmission, distribution and consumption during that stage. Through this study it was found necessary to replace and renew the stations that were exited. From the service and benefit from the locations of these stations. It must also work to reduce the cost of fuel used in power plants with high consumption by conducting maintenance, replacement and renewal operations. The necessity of setting a timetable for replacing and renewing dilapidated units whose useful life is almost over. 
