Living conditions of the poor in light of social changes and support policies A field study on a poor urban community

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant teacher, Department of Sociology

2 استاذ مساعد علم الانثروبولوجیا کلیة البنات جامعة عین شمس

3 استاذ علم الانثروبولوجیا کلیة البنات جامعة عین شمس


The study addresses the issue of the living conditions of the poor in Egypt in light of social changes and support policies. Estimates indicate that the poverty rate exceeds 40% of the population of Egypt, that this percentage increases despite the efforts of the state to bridge that gap, as the social protection policies of the poor are still not satisfactory and sufficient results To raise the suffering and forms of deprivation that mean millions of Egypt's poor,The study aims to monitor the relationship between economic and political transformations and the escalation of poverty rates in Egypt. It also aims to assess the impact of social protection policies and the disruption of the support system on the poor of Egypt, in order to advance the current support programs in order to reach a more effective mechanism to ensure that it reaches the most deserving groups of In order to improve the living conditions of the poor,Hence the importance of our study that deals with that subject with criticism and analysis through the use of theoretical analysis method through the use of quantitative methods such as the questionnaire and official statistics, and qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews, news and photography, and this is a systematic necessity dictated by the nature of the topic, and the study has reached several results, the most important of which is that Economic reform policies have widened poverty and the poor,As high levels of prices devour any increase in income that consumes any increase added to wages, just as the poor get poorer and even join them with other segments, and these problems are largely due to factors of political instability that led to capital migration, and the lack of flexibility of financial and monetary policies And its increasing budget deficit as a result of the great support for food and fuel, and the study found that the relationship between corruption and poverty is a correlation, Hence, fighting poverty starts from fighting corruption and its agents, and the current support policy has led to support the rich at the expense of the poor, so the study recommends the necessity of activating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and providing all the necessary data to cause a real boom, as it is the hope that every citizen in Egypt is waiting for. In order to avoid the expected social risks if the current situation continues.
