Habous in Andalusia , in the age of BaniUmaiyah and the kings of sects (138 - 484 A.H / 755 - 1091 A.D)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD researcher, Faculty of Education, in Al-Muzahimiyah ,Shaqraa University Branch

2 Professor of History Department, Faculty of Arts, King Saud University


The research aimed to highlight on Habousin Andalusia in the era of Bani Umayyad and the SectsKings (138 - 484 AH / 755-1091 AD). The research has been divided into an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion; The first chapterdeals with the concept of Habous, its rule, conditions, and the beginning of the emergence of Habous in Islam, and HabousIn Andalusia, the motivations of Habous, the classes of Habouspeople,The second chapter deals with the types of Habousin Andalusia, which include charitable Habous (mosques, jihad for the sake of Allah, spreading education, the needy, the weak and the sick, cemeteries and watering), family Habous, and family Haboustransformed into a charity, and the third chapter deals with organizing Habousin Andalusia, and includes The headmaster of Habousand his duties, and the problems of Habous,The fourth chapter deals with the impact of Habouson public life in Andalusia in the era of BaniUmayyad and the sectskings, and includes the impact of Habouson political, social and scientific conditions and its effect on providing job opportunities in the state, the chapter ends with the conclusion which includes the most prominent results, the most important of which is that Habous appeared in Andalusia in a the period of the study, whose numbers reached (212) Habous,The motives for Habousvaried into religious, socialand family motives, and that the headmaster of Haboushad an effective role in Andalusian society, this new position appeared after Andalusia expanded and its population increased and thus the number of Habousincreased and diversified in society, Haboushad a positive impact on the scientific life in Andalusia , It contributed to providing libraries, literature and housing for students during the study.
