The Theory of Communication between Authenticity and Contemporary "When Sakaki is a stylistic rhetorical study"

Document Type : Original Article


College of Science and Literature Khamis Mashait


 The ancients turned to the role of the creator and the recipient and linked the creator to his text in the process of literary creation, and dealt with the sincerity of the experience and its impact on persuading the listener and his enjoyment, including the expansion of the link between the text and its author, such as Abdul-Qaher Jirjani, and Sakkaki references to the importance of the relationship between the creator and the text and the recipient Sakaki addressed the theory of communication in its three aspects text, creator and recipient. There are some observations and critical and rhetorical views, such as taking into account the situation and pay attention to the exit of the news contrary to the apparent need, which serve to be the assets of a modern critical theory.
