Begging phenomenon in Prose Bedouins

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Literature and Criticism, University of Bisha Lecturer of Literature and Criticism, Al-Azhar University Supervisor of the Arabic Department, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Tathleeth


The purpose of this research is to discuss the phenomenon of KDE in spreading Arabic. It also aims to reveal the features of the prose experience in this purpose, how it is formed, and how successful it has been in influencing the bid, positively and negatively. The descriptive analytical method has been used, and the most prominent research findings:

Begging, in the sense of asking and asking for giving, is a natural phenomenon in all societies, to which poverty is paid, not a society exclusively devoted to one another, and not only a Bedouin society, and it is a phenomenon that is immersed in the foot, and still exists until now.
To seek begging in prose, three images: (abstract begging, idiots, and auspicious); the first (abstract begging): is the complaint, describing the bad situation, and begging for supplication. However, the beggar did not declare the fruit of begging and its outcome, as it is merely anonymity.The second (begging beggar): is begging, which was rejected and repulsed, despite being - often - a preference for the attainment of the reasons for living, and the necessities of life, and it was not a means to achieve wealth, as it is a desire for wealth in its initial form, called for by the need and the severity of poverty, yet he lost Failed, so the owner turned sulky, calling the official, spelling again, and blaming another.And the third: (begging auspicious) is a successful begging, whose owner returned an auspicious bid, as he returned to his family with pleasure, praises his donor, and thanks him for his gift.
Prose, especially the one who is being prodded from it, is a common method of begging, from its inception, and in its initial form, as poverty is the motivation to requesting giving until the begging of kadiyya has turned into a profession that some have taken upon themselves, and they have taken it as a means of earning and achieving wealth.
Sajaa was a common method of taking comfort in its initial form, which was taken by the liquidators, as a means of begging, and as a way to influence the hearts of the rich, seeking their sympathy.
There are many contents, and different meanings, in the phenomenon of begging, in the prose of the Arabs, so it is not related to one topic, and it is not limited to a specific meaning, but often the same model includes several meanings, and different contents, from praise and spelling, lament and supplication, advice and complaint of poverty  And bad case.
