Nonexistent Condition Phenomenon in Arabic Grammar

Document Type : Original Article


1 معیدة بقسم اللغة العربیة بکلیة البنات -جامعة عین شمس

2 أستاذ النحو والصرف المساعد بالکلیة

3 مدرس النحو والصرف بالکلیة


This research focuses on one of subdivisions of the syntactic condition. The syntactic condition is divided into two types: nonexistent condition and the existent condition. It also investigates the main distinctions between them. This work discuses some examples of nonexistent conditions and other examples which included both types the nonexistent and the existent. It has been concluded that nonexistent condition is preferred to the existent condition, based on its syntactic characteristics. Therefore, it is main suitable for some grammarians to use the nonexistent condition in certain contents.
