The People and the Enemy in Theatrical Discourse for Ali Ahmed Bakathir

Document Type : Original Article


1 باحث دکتوراه قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بکلیة البنات-جامعة عین شمس

2 أستاذ النقد والبلاغة کلیة البنات-جامعة عین شمس

3 أستاذ النقد والأدب الحدیث کلیة البنات-جامعة عین شمس


The writer Ali Ahmed Bakathir (1910-1969) has several literary aspects as an introduction to his literary world and to his thoughts about humans and the world. His theatrical works were chosen in this thesis, which has messages that observe the state of the Arab and Islamic character in the age of "Bakthir. It also included a large number of obstacles and crises that are still ongoing. This study focuses on two values that were presented by the theatrical discourse for Ali Ahmed Bakathir. The first one, the value of the people - belongs to subjective values - is observed in plays (Akhenaten and Nefertiti, the tragedy of Oedipus, the house of Ibn Luqman, the promised pharaoh, the worm, and the serpent). The second one is the value of the enemy - belongs to the values of the other - and has been addressed in a number of plays (El Hakem BE amr elalla, Dar bin Luqman, the worm and the serpent, and the lost Torah). Among the important observations in these two values is the ability of Ali Ahmed Bakathir discourse to employ historical, popular, linguistic and rhetorical heritage and to explore it and reveal the hidden  patterns in everyday life, as well as adopting a specific position and defending it and market arguments for its worth.
