Problems in Translating Economic Terminology from English into Arabic and vice versa

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Arts, English Department Ain Shams University

2 Ain Shams University

3 Al Azhar University


Economic translation is one of the most meticulous translations that requires extreme attention and concentration. This study aims at exploring and solving the main obstacles in translating economic texts; namely, lexical problems and their impact on translating economic terminology, using the equivalence that is from the same stylistic register (formal versus informal language), frequent use of metaphoric expressions and collocations in business media discourse. To that end, the study introduces first Holmes’ Map of translation studies as well as Reiss and Newmark’s text typology. In this regard, the researcher links between the text type (formal economic documents or media articles) and the translation method used. Secondly, the study tackles what is meant by economic translation, features governing economic language and the problematic areas in translating economic terminology. Thirdly, it provides lexical analysis of some economic expressions present in a Public Tender and a standardized Auditors’ Report, which are different from general texts regarding purpose, target audience and subject matter.  Such texts have high level of formality leaving little to interpretation. Finally, the researcher explores the dominant metaphoric expressions and collocations frequently used in business media discourse and suggests their translations.
