Sentiment analysis: An Appraisal approach to Trip Advisor Reviews headlines

Document Type : Original Article


Ain Shams University


Online reviewing behavior is a novel trend driven by the constant presence of social media users on online platforms.  Review excerpts are samples of social interaction where reviewers evaluate and promote for travel destinations. They can also be categorized as electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). The study focuses on the textual and ethnographic aspects of the texts. Its uniqueness lies in its examination of the utilization of positive emotional language for the purpose of indirect promoting, and the realization of these emotions through a range of grammatical structures and lexical choices. Since the content of the reviews is mainly evaluative, the paper aims at utilizing Martin and White's (2005) Appraisal framework as the one suitable for the analysis of the selected data.  Evaluation in this context is supposed to evoke a shared emotional reaction between the reviewer and the reader towards appealing travelling destinations, and entice them to follow suit. Headlines are specifically chosen for analysis since they intensify the evaluation through summing it up focusing on the most appealing features. The study concludes that among the appraisal tools, 'judgment' and 'appreciation' prevail over 'affect,' which is instant and hard to retrieve at a later point in time


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