Features of the renovators between Tahtawi and Mududi

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University


    This research addresses the issue of renewal as one of the most important issues of modern and contemporary Islamic thought. This is through two important figures that have had an impact on the structure of modern and contemporary Islamic thought:                         
The first: Rifaa al-Tahtawi (1801-1807) Sheikh Al-Azhari, who was educated in Europe, and adopted the transitional mental approach was closer to the poets in this case.
The second is Abu al-Aly al-Mudoudi (1903-1979), the famous Indian thinker who was influenced in His ideas of the Salafist call, especially the thought of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, who moved to India, through the following issues:                                              
    The concept of renewal - the qualities of the renovator - the approach of renewal - ma'aib al-Renewid - the most famous renovators from the point of view of each We have come to clarify the difference between their two faces and the trends that have been affected.                                                                                                                                                     
