Prisoner’s Dilemma A Study in Applied Ethics

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of ethics in the Faculty of Arts, New Valley University


The research shows that the use of the term "Prisoner’s Dilemma"in the field of ethics and specifically in applied ethics has a strong impact in clarifying cases of conflict of interest. And we will deal with game theory because this term represents the most important problems, especially in the field of professional ethics. Taking into account the role of this term in environmental ethics.
The following ideas will be addressed:
1-Prisoner’s Dilemma.
2. Limits of the imposed agreement.
3 - levels of decline of confidence.
4. Instrument contexts.
5. Prisoner’s Dilemma in the field of environmental ethics.
6 - game theory  and Prisoner’s Dilemma.
7. The implications of using game theory.
At the end of the paper, we note the importance of using the Prisoner’s Dilemma in the field of applied ethics.
