Urban development directions in El El Obour city

Document Type : Original Article


Master student - Department of Geography Faculty of Women for Art, Science and Education - Ain Shams University


El-Obour city is one the second generation of new cities surrounding the Cairo great region, and belonging to Al-Qalyobia governorate which established in 1982. Its importance came from its ability to accommodate the population growth of the Cairo great region, as well as increase the ratio of economic development of the region. The research shows analysis of the urban recent status of the city, since it tracked the different phases of the urban development areas in a separate way. Moreover, calculate the share of each mentioned phase and changes of its area, and then explain the directions of this urban growth by calculating the growth direction along with the urban changing zones between 2006 and 2019. Finally, the researcher discussed the physical factors affecting this urban growth as topographic location, climate, or human factors like demographic characteristics dominating the city. The candidate used historical and regional approaches as well as scientific method as field study, remote sensing to analysis Landsat satellite between 1984 and 2019.
