Ingredients for food Industries in Gharbia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Demonstrator Department of Geography,Women faculty , Ain shams university


The food industries are one of the most important sectors of economic activities, and industrial activity began in Gharbia Food Industries before the year of A.D., and its factories did not exceed two factories, and the numbers of those factories continued to increase until it reached 648 factories in the year 2017.  The establishment and development of industry requires two types of toxins: the main and secondary ones, and these ingredients are interlinked with each other.  Providing manpower from the center itself and the neighboring centers, as transportation was its basis for transporting products, as the province is characterized by a good network of Sun Village and the market has led to preserving products from damage, but the main and branch roads are factories, examples of which are the baking industry and its products Ingredients of Food Industries.
