“Hemaria” Of Mu'tazilist extremists Al

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic history teacher History Department - Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University


The “Hemaria” sect, One of the Mu'tazilist extremist sects which belonged to Islam and not from it, The research showed that some of the Mu'tazilites lived in Askar Makram in Khuzestan, No founder knew them, and The historians of the sects did not specify the time of    their appearance, and differed in the reason for its name.
The research presented to their delusions and innovations that they took from other Mu'tazila sects and increased them, of them  reincarnation, and that God did not create wine or some animals, and that human is able to creation and other fads and delusions. The research also presented the views of historians who responded to these heresies.
