The Mentalist School The book (Freeing The mind from reporting) as example

Document Type : Original Article


Doctrine researcher, the department of Hadith and its sciences faculty of Daawah and religion foundations, University of Om Alqura


Subject of the study: The Mentalist School, The book (Freeing the mind from reporting) as example.
The scientific degree: demanded to complete the material of defending on Sunnah, to The methodology year of the doctrine year.
The study consists of introduction, three chapters, end, and indexes.
The introduction: contains the importance of the study, reasons of selection, aims of the study, method of the study, the previous studies, and plan of the study.
The first chapter: The mentalist school and its signs.
The second chapter: sammary of (Freeing the mind from reporting) book, and method of its author.
The third chapter: applicating examples on replying on Sahihain Ahadiths suspicions.
The end: contains results of the study.
Depends on the analyzing method, and asking Allah sincerity and accepting.
