Ndication Streptococcus in a Readings

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Qur'anic Studies College of Arts and Humanities - Taibah University


This study studied the topic indication  Streptococcus  In irregular readingsExplain and explain the nodal signs in the readings
Where the researcher used the inductive method And analytical
And in it was defined the doctrine and the definition of abnormal readings language and convention This research dealt with some Quranic verses with abnormal readings and covered them in explanation. Where the original is mentioned in it, as the original principle in accepting the reading is the frequency of the novel and its words
            In general, the original reading is through approval of the drawing of the Qur’an and the rules of the Arabic language, Its chain of transmission is good, and its chain of transmission is based on follow-up and evidence. However, the ruling on some verses with anomalies is due to the lack of verification of the frequency corner. And if the anomaly in the Quranic verse is related to the time and age of the author , What is odd in our time may be frequent in the fourth century, i.e. the era of Ibn Khalweh. . The research ended with confirmation that not all abnormal readings are good, but rather weak ones, including ones that are individual. In the end, the meanings of abnormal readings were confirmed by what was stated in the books of the faith. The researcher recommended collecting and studying decodal indications.