Aesthetics of the place in Youssef Nofal poetry Diwan (the sea, which the female lake “Sailing in the mirrors of the self”) is an example.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language - College of Arts – New Valley University


The research is interested in studying the aesthetics of the poetic place in the "The Sea Female Beheira" Bureau (Sailing in the Mirrors of the Self) by the poet Youssef Nowfal, where the researcher noticed the multiplicity and diversity of the place in this diwan. Observing his spatial reflections, symbolic images, historical and human dimensions, and their cultural connotations. The research presented the concept of the poetic place, the textual space, the thresholds of the poetic text, the historical place, the self-place, the spatial image, the transit place, the biography of the poetic place.
 The research assumes there are questions posed by the poetic text, about the question of the place, its specificity, and what identity it holds? What are the forms of the place in the poetry of Yusuf Nofal in general, and the office in question in particular, and what is the relationship of the place with the poet in particular? What are the textual aesthetics that the place created in the poem written by the poet? What is the relationship between space and space? Is there a linguistic synonym, or does each add to the other its semantic technical dimensions? The research attempted to answer most of these questions through an artistic approach to the Office of the Sea, represented by the lake, "Sailing in the Mirrors of the Self".
