Ancient Libyan - Egyptian relations before the arrival of the Greeks in the territory of Korenica

Document Type : Original Article



English Abstract:-
The province of Korinaika has played an important role in some events in Egypt. Relations between the Libyans and the Egyptians in the era of the families were not always hostile. The peaceful relations between the two sides remained. Libyan blood was often found in the oases of Western Sahara. One of the most salient features of this peaceful connection was that of Khufu, a Libyan wife. The apparent form of the Egyptian-Libyan relations is a pressure from the Libyans in the West in an attempt to settle in Egypt. But we find that the Libyan tribes were prevalent during the pre-families in the Delta, and different with the Egyptians, so much so that the Egyptian and Libyan will not distinguish the border between the two countries.
Another evidence of the good relations between the two parties is that Egyptians treat Libyan tribesmen as mercenaries in the Egyptian army and as police in the desert. It was natural that the oases would then be a refuge for the Fugitives from the state's advance, which is logical. They were told in the desert and learned in their ways, where they were stationed there. That the Libyan rulers who ruled Egypt are characterized by the Egyptian character, but did not forget their roots completely, and the proof of this is to retain their names and titles of Libya, as well as to establish good relations with Libya - the province of Korinaika. They did not rely on the rule of the country on another force, or impose on the people a tribute to another country. Civilizational interaction, and the impact of the Libyans in the habits of the Egyptians and influenced by them.
