Guidance verbal acts and purposes

Document Type : Original Article


Ein shams university


The deliberation is one of the new branches of linguistics and a convergence point of the science fields related to the language as a link between language linguistics. The most important side is the interaction which is based on speech exchange for better understanding and harmony. Therefore, it opened a new outlook for the linguistic lesson. As a result, for linguistic lesson breadth, a clear effect affected the Arab linguists’ direction and turning their attention to embrace deliberation in order to benefit from the arguments and the analytical tools to understand Arabic texts system. This study is an attempt for investing the mechanisms of the deliberative approach and applying it on a Quranic discourse to understand its meaning. The discourse of Surat Al-Rahman is an excellent deliberative discourse. This discourse is directed to humans and gin to affect on them for achieving their behavior towards effects of God’s mercy as this is the deliberation’s aim, so it is a fertile field for studying deliberation which lets us to deepen our search in the efforts of interpretation , language, grammar and rhetoric scholars to discover new linguistic theories with principles that agree with new modern linguistic theories.