
Document Type : Original Article


بکلیة التربیة – القائم- جامعة الأنبار


This research studied the impressions of the Israeli wars on its Community, Specially, on the children in the Israeli Family, through Studying the Story “Zahi Moves to Eilat “by “Aviva Dekel”. The Author describes how deep the impression of the wars on the Israeli community, in deferent fields of life, such as the stability of the community and its Economic and Sociology situation. The move of Zahi to Eilat is Story of child who moves with his family from their Home-town in Haifa to A new town, which named Eilat, the main reason of their move was the war which started between Israel and its Neighbor, so the Father had to go to the war field and left his wife and children alone. When he gets back from the war field, his business was gone and he has to find another business, so he has to leave the town to go to another town, he succeed to find work in “ Eilat “ in the South of Israel on the red sea. His family faced finances and psycho problems.