Jurisprudence of Imam Abu Samarqandi In a blind testimony to deeds Doctrine Comparative

Document Type : Original Article



  This paper deals with the rule of the blind testimony on acts issued before blindness, examining the definition of the testimony language and terminology. Highlighting the place of disagreement and sayings of scholars and the cause of the dispute and the evidence of each team of the Koran and the Sunnah and others. Indicating the view of the jurist Abu al-Laith al-Samarqandi in the rule of the blind testimony on acts, I have dealt with the evidence of scholars in detail in terms of the significance of the books of interpretations, and the significance of the conversations of the explanations of the conversations and also showed the face of measurement and approval, and the evidence is reasonable 
Then I followed all the evidence of what was said about the discussions and responses, and perhaps have modest answers in these discussions, and then followed the evidence and discussed by the opinion of Imam Abu Laith Samarqandi and exposed some of his statements on the issue, indicating the evidence and weightings and discussion of some offenders .... etc., Which indicates the abundance of science and the strength of his argument and the extent of being able to science jurisprudence and even the science of interpretation and hadith and language.
It may even have a statement indicating a social and ethical dimension in the matter, which will appear in the research and then mentioned and weighted by the words of Imam Abu Hanifa, which was taken by Imam Abu Laith and stated the reasons for weighting.
