Metaphor in the modern Libyan poem Between Mahdavi and Majri (Balancing Study)

Document Type : Original Article



Summary of the Research
Researching in the image is old which is almost coupled with the emergence of poetry, and most of the old Arab critics have dedicated themselves to study the image such as Al-Jahiz, Qudama, Abdul-Qaher, Ibn Al-Atheer and others, but these studies have continued to adopt the gourmet lesson of the colors of the statement and its analogy, metaphor, and metonymy.
The modern era is one of the richest ages with poetic currents, and renewed artistic doctrines colored by various aspects of civilization development, and influenced by contemporary Western thought. The modern Libyan poem with its different poetic currents, and artistic and diverse doctrines have been able to keep pace with this development, as their poets were enabled to express their ideas and perceptions, embody their senses and their feelings and influence in the recipient through their diverse artistic images, which they employed to serve their political, social and cultural issues, and because of the importance of the metaphor image in constructing the poem, the two poets Mahdavi and Majri resorted to it in order to express their thoughts and perceptions, and to embody their senses and feelings.
The research will adopt the approach of comparative analysis, where the study is distributed after the introduction, which will identify the two poets as follows:
First: The metaphorical image of Mahdavi.
Second: the metaphorical image of Almajri.
Then, the conclusion which contains the most important findings of the research followed by a list of the research sources and references.
