Tripartite unity between Egypt, Syria and Iraq April 1963

Document Type : Original Article



  The Arab region has witnessed a great change since most of the Arab countries gained their independence; as a result of the changes that took place in the world after the Second World War, and the changing political and military map in the world. Arab 1945, and then the experience of Egyptian-Syrian unity in 1958-1961, which did not succeed, and discuss the project of tripartite unity between Egypt, Syria and Iraq April 1963
The tripartite unity talks began in March 1963 and lasted for a month. During which the Arab delegations of Syria and Iraq held many meetings with Nasser, and the parties reached to sign the tripartite pact on 17/4/1963, and the declaration of the tripartite unity between Egypt, Syria and Iraq. The talks ended on the establishment of a federal state in the name of the "United Arab Republic" with the aim of supporting Arab national interests, where the unity is based on the basis of joint cooperation in the economic, political and military fields between the three countries Full Arab unity.
The various factors and reasons that led to the establishment of tripartite unity, where both Syria and Iraq sought for unity to achieve security and stability within their country, and the Baath Party in both countries sought to include popular groups under its banner, and defended the party to achieve the dream of Arab unity, to emerge as a defender of Arab nationalism and unity This unity has not succeeded because of the instability of the political situation in Syria and Iraq, and the different ruling regimes and policies in those countries.   .
