The urban growth axes of The Tasat In The Municipality of Ghayan - Libya (from 1980 to 2018) Study in the geography of urbanization

Document Type : Original Article



The urban environment is a complex structure rich in its composition with a mixture of natural and human phenomena. Population growth is the cause of housing in a habitable environment, resulting the change in the shape, urban fabric, density and functions of the city.
This research ,will study of the urban growth the locality of Tgssat are targeting the historical stages of urban growth, which has fluctuated between slow growth and accelerated growth, from the time of the Phoenicians and Romans through the Islamic conquest, then the Ottoman era, and the Italian era, in which Tgssat saw a boom. Urbanization still exists to the present, and has extended urban izations in several directions and has emerged service institutions, such as educational institutions, health, government and commercial, and in 1984 the area of Tgssat reached about 307  hectares, and increased its area to 577.9 hectares in 2006, the increasing in the area is about270.9 hectares.
 As the trends of urban growth were studied from 1980 to 2018, and the urban additions, the most important factors that help or hinder the process of urban growth were addressed, and the research was based on the historical approach to tracking the stages of growth, and the analytical approach was used to determine trends of urban growth using space visuals for the aforementioned years.
The results showed that the best urban growth for Tgssat was in the west and south-east, and the north side is considered less suitable for urban growth, because of the severity of the decline which is an obstacle, while the southern region, which was agricultural land with fertile soil, the urbanization marched on most of its land, so the necessary measures must be taken to preserve the rest of them.
And the research recommends the need to pass legislation regulating the use of land and the violation of those who exceed it, and not to grant a license to build on agricultural land.
