Mechanisms of Countering the Internet Crimes Between Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sociology, Girls College Ain-Shams University


This present study purpose is to: discuss and analyze the mechanisms of “countering and combating the internet crimes” on the overall three levels, the global, Arab, and local level; shedding light on the definition of the internet crimes, their evolution history, and risks on victims. The study comes to several results that: A- there is no specific deal or agreement between the European and the Arab states to set a specific label or name for a crime that occurs with the information technology and communication setting. B- There is a remarkable legislative gap or shortness in so many of the world’s states that cripple countering the internet crimes. C- Finally, the study indicates that since tragic outcomes of such crimes of the internet are not limited on one state but extends to affect others, becoming as an epidemic that should be removed by a world activity and motion.
