The role of the tribe of Bani Abdu Manat bin Kenanah in the pre-Islamic era and Islam

Document Type : Original Article


Department of History, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University


The sons of the tribe of Bani Abdu Manat ibn Kenanah tribe in many of the sciences and knowledge that were known to the Arabs, both in the pre-Islamic era and the issuance of Islam. On their hands a lot of companions and followers, and the genius of Bani Abdu Manat ibn Kenanah in those sciences and knowledge was not limited to men only, but there are women of Bani Abdul Manat ibn Kenanah from Nbgen in some sciences like poetry.
Not only did the scholars belonging to the sons of Abed Manat ibn Kenanah collect only science and their narrative without having any additions to their distinction. Laithi who dotted the Koran.
As the sons of some of the stomachs of Bani Abdul Manat ibn Kenanah, but other Arabs in some knowledge such as Qiabah, which distinguished them and distinguished Bani Medlej, as well as many famous Bani Abdul Manat ibn Kenanah in modern science, and was among them jurists and judges and others, and in the following lines will We show the most important contributions of Bani Abdul Manat bin Kenana intellectual in the pre-Islamic era and Islam.