The struggle of the cities of the Andalusian enemy against the Spanish Christian kingdoms " (693 AH / 1293 CE-744 AH / 1344 CE)

Document Type : Original Article


, Department of History, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University


        Historical Studies command the certain geographic locations that witnessed unique events, with great interest from the presence of public researchers and private historians, and given the enemy Andalusia historical importance, since it took place historical events in the fertile period still needs a lot of research and studies to document the mysterious events for the scientific understanding of the reality of what was on the scene, it may be the objective to prove that some of the historical aspects in the Andalusia enemy that remained complaining blur, leaving a vacuum that are complaining about the historical Arab library.
        Perhaps those facts have formed the cornerstone of the main motivations for this topic "Clash of the cities of the enemy Andalusia against kingdoms Spanish Christian" (693 AH / 1293 M 744 AH / 1344 AD), so addressing this issue comes as a continuation of scientific efforts that addressed the Andalusia history and Moroccan.
      The role of the Andalusia cities of the enemy in the struggle against the Spanish Christian kingdoms emerged, thanks to its strategic location, it door of Andalusia, port and the Strait of Gibraltar, the main crossing between the continents: Europe and Africa.
        That's when the Christians of Spain realized the importance of its cities, Vmutiroa on the control and seizure of its cities, and appeared so obvious in the struggle for control, and establish business cities on either side.
         They make controlled, seized on the metaphor, and thus the road linking Morocco and Al-Andalusia, so the kings of Castile keen on taking it to separate Morocco from Al-Andalusia, and therefore easier for them to seize the rest of the cities of Andalusia and the bases afterwards.
          From here highlights the importance of the enemy Andalusia cities, they reveal to us about the strengths and weaknesses of Andalusia and Spain, and the factors that helped exchanged for the leading role, and the extent of what was in them from an internal homogeneity or repulsion, and the unity or dispersed.
          And it was considered the Christians of Spain, the Andalusia cities of the enemy first line of defense for the Islamic entity in Andalusia, starting from the seventh century AH; for his joint military cooperation between the forces of Morocco and the forces of Al-Andalusia at the time of the Taiga, and rulers stationed, and the rulers of the monotheists.
        The Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Portugal emerging has been able to exploit the weakness of the Unitarian Vistula the most important cities of Andalusia such as Cordoba, and Jain, and Murcia. As well as it seized Alakectaliwn on Seville and became an outlet for them on the enemy Andalusia, particularly the Straits of Gibraltar through the Guadalquivir River, which they learn the Atlantic Ocean.
         And by exploiting Alakectaliwn case of doubt, which acquired the kings built the Red built from Marin, and they keep on fueling the conflict between the Islamic Front, and exploit it to their advantage.
        Muslims have realized the weakness of their position in the Andalusia region, after the loss of the enemy Tariff and Gibraltar, and they keep on mending fences and the alliance paid off for the return of Gibraltar to the mouth of the possession of the Islam-year 733 AH, this vital gap, which documents the link between Morocco and Al-Andalusia.