Problems of Arabic Grammar ... Troubles and Treatment Extrapolation and Analysis

Document Type : Original Article


University of Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz


This research deals with the Arabic grammar and the ways to deal with these ills. The research comes in an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The first topic deals with the importance of Arabic grammar, and the second topic deals with the diagnosis of grammatical errors. The third topic deals with suggestions for treating Arabic grammar. The research is expected to produce results such as diagnosing Arabic grammar and proposing ways to remedy these ills by adopting authentic Quranic texts. Grammatical, and rethinking the concepts of hearing and measurement. And the lack of urgency in the application of the theory of the grammatical factor, and to rid the grammar of the ills of the second and third, and only the necessary educational errors, and purification of ancient grammatical evidence, and choose easy language easy to write in grammar.
