Modern industry to explain the hadeeth when the mark Badr al-Din al-Aini ( 855 e) In his book, Toast Ideas,

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language - Girls College - Ain Shams University


            This research presented aspects in explaining the eyes of the hadiths and that was the use of mental science, and science of the statement, and other sciences used to indicate what is meant by the hadith. Where the study highlighted the explanatory effort in collecting the effects of the companions and followers in explaining the hadith.
Where the Imam Al-Aini - God's mercy - relied on explaining the hadeeth of his knowledge that he inherited from his imams. Religious, and that mental tendency is an individual characteristic reflects the cognitive balance of the same individual, how he was able to quote science and knowledge, and how he was able to critique, and then how he reached the stage of retention of what was selected, and finally employ what was selected with the addition of creativity, and this applies to the Imam Aini and explained Who expresses his mental inclination in his explanation of atheism Leth .