The word( Mata) in the ( huzail) dialect)) A Critical Study in Grammar Heritage Books

Document Type : Original Article


Co-Professor of Grammar, Morphology and Prosody Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Gazan University.


Some of the grammarians said: ( huzail)tribe used ( Mata )as preposition .
These grammarians depended on a weak evidence and they reported a weak novels
They said: ( Mata ) in( huzail) dialect  equal ( min ) in Arab language which means that the two words are prepositions .
and they ignored these references to the main word ( min )
and they ignored the other meanings of ( Mata ) when huzail.
 This study examines these matters by extrapolating the poetry of ( huzail), and what was narrated from them, or attributed to them from the languages ​​related to this matter, as the study refutes the opinion of these sculptors, led to this proved the weakness of the novels they adopted, and the position of grammarians, linguists and advanced narrators, With the approval of these late beers.
The study explains the first of this language, and the follower, and the proponents of the novel of this language, and to whom is attributed, as determined by the first of the literal decision when, and claimed that its work is the work of the draft, to end to the results are clear at the end.