Entertainment culture; Students of public and private universities; A field test of some of the concepts and issues of Pierre Bourdieu

Document Type : Original Article


Since, entertainment culture is the asset of welfare, it is demanded as a necessity for accreditation for universities to include in their strategies to indulge students in activities. That is why, this study aims to examine some of Bourdieu's most important concepts and perspectives on entertainment in relation to social stratification and differentiation among students in socialization and in universities. The study deals with social and cultural capital from Bourdieu's own perspective that trespasses Marxi's concept of economic capital. So, this study examines Bourdieu's concepts and perspectives on different types of capital and their effect on student's participation in university activities. Thus, the researcher performed a quantitative and qualitative study on entertainment culture in the light of some of Bourdieu's most important concepts and perspectives on types of capital, where the main goals of the study are acknowledging and determining sources of the students' entertainment in the university, comparing the students' priorities in their choices of activities in governmental and private universities and the influence of the habitus, as well as social, economic, and cultural capital on their zeal or reluctance to such activities and their role on refining students' personalities. The theoretical framework of the study includes Bourdieu's main concepts and perspectives and the social literature on entertainment culture and leisure. The methodological framework presents the operational definition of entertainment culture and the community of the study and the human field, as well as the method of the study, its tools and how it is applied in the fieldwork of the study. The researcher used the quantitative analysis to the data gathered from the field through a semi-structured questionnaire applied on 400 students 200 from a governmental university ( Ain Shams University) and 200 from a private university(MSA university). Then, the qualitative analysis data were gathered from the field applying the anthropological method with its tools: in-depth interview and participant observation, and the choice of six cases for the in=depth study. The study reached the following main results: Social capital is the students' first priority; that is why they use social media as the source of entertainment in the governmental and private universities whether under the academic supervision or with their friends. The study proved, also, that the low economic capital of students is not the main reason for their refrain from university activities; since they are offered in subsidized prices. The students' inclination to university activities is related to their parents' cultural capital while those who are less likely to be inclined to such activities have craftsmen parents. Finally, it was proved that, Entertainment has a significant importance in youth cultural reproduction, since students share in its activities to acquire social and cultural capital