Revolution of Andronicus IV Palaeologius Against his father 1376

Document Type : Original Article


Andronicus IV led the two movements of disobedience against his father; 
the first movement was not a revolution as far as an incomplete rebellion, 
which ended by depriving him from the participation in the succession of 
the throne. While the second movement was a complete revolution that 
ended by the throne and depriving his father and brother. 
Although Andronicus's upheaval enabled him to regain his right to the 
Byzantine throne, it entangled him in the constant conflict between Genoa 
and Venice. 
This revolt did not only force him to lose the feuding island of Tenedos but 
also suffered heavy losses to Constantinople and accelerated the loss of 
Gallipoli in favor of the Turks.

أوالً: المصادر:
 Demetrius Cantemir, The History of the Growth and Decay of the 
Othman Empire, Translation from Latin to English by Tindal London 
 Doukas, Decline and Full of Byzantium to Ottoman Turks – Byzantina, 
An notated Translation of Historia Turco – Byzantina by Harry J 
Mongoulias Wayne State University Detroit 1975.
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