The meaning of life for the elderly residing with their families and in care homes

Document Type : Original Article


The study is crystallized in revealing the level of Meaning of Life for Elder 
people according to the difference of the place of residence(with family –
home care), The Gender(males – females), (the existing of children or 
not)and the difference of duration of staying at home care.This study applied 
on 58 elderly with age range 60-90 years old. Divided into 27 males-31 
females, 30residing with family and 28 residing on home care. The 
Kronbach alpha coefficient was used to measure the stability of the 
study,and the Internal consistency to measure cycometric properties for this 
study and rulers validity.The study resulted that there is statistical significant 
difference in the Meaning of Life for elder according residence(with family 
– home care)for staying with family,and there no statistical significant 
difference for elder in the meaning of life related to the gender(males-
females),and the period of residency at home care(less than year-5years-
more than5years),and there is differenceto the presence of sons. 


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