The January 25 Revolution: Causes and Repercussions

Document Type : Original Article


Revolutions played a great role in the history of the peoples as they revealed the 
nature of the social, economic and political conditions experienced by any society 
before the revolution. It was revealed by extrapolating the research heritage of the 
revolutions that oppression, oppression and deprivation are the main reasons for 
revolutions throughout the ages The study sought to identify the nature of the 
Egyptian social context before the revolution of 25 January and the map of the 
dynamics of the revolution of 25 January with the identification of the most 
important results of the revolution of January 25 The study reached several results, 
the most important of which:
1- The deterioration of economic, social and political conditions led to the 
emergence of some of the driving forces of the revolution of 25 January.
2-The emergence of a number of protest movements that created a kind of political 
mobility within the community, such as the movement of Kifyah and April 6 and 
its ability to mobilize and mobilized. The modern means of communication on the 
mobilization and mobilization of the revolution on January 25 through social 
networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
3 - The emergence of new categories of the demonstration referred to by Asif 
Bayat, the new crawlers who paved the sidewalk of the People's Assembly, who 
marched in the quiet and participation of religious forces in the revolution of 
January 25.