“The Geographical Distribution of Health Services in Subrata Region-Libya (A Study in Services Geography)

Document Type : Original Article


This study focuses across its objectives and methodology on 
examining a significant part of the health services system in Subrata 
region targeting the geographical distribution of these services and the 
appropriateness of this distribution to the population and satisfying their 
needs in Subrata city. The study tackles with geographical distribution of 
health institutions either the governmental or the private, either the 
distribution is numerical or qualitative from hospitals and health centers 
on different places of Subrata. The study uses the spatial analysis of 
health services regarding size of hospitals, number of beds, size of 
workers in health institutions either they are doctors or nurses, including 
the activities of both governmental and private hospitals as well; added to 
that, the number of patients, their auditors and the performance rates in 
The study counts on the qualitative (descriptive-analytical method, 
in addition to using a questionnaire form consisting of (940) forms to be 
applied on a random sample.
The study shows quality and distribution of health services 
available in Subrata region either the governmental or the non-
governmental in addition to the reality of these services, considering their 
efficiency. The study results indicate through examining the efficiency of 
the health centers in Subrata, the bed-service rates in Subrata hospitals 
that the auditors’ numbers of external divisions in governmental hospitals 
are estimated by (41112), while in private hospitals are about (119963) 
It is noticed that auditors’ numbers are few in governmental 
hospitals. In the internal divisions, the internal hospitals have received 
about (11319) while the private hospitals receive (5486) patients.
The study shows that the beds ’size available in governmental 
hospitals is (480) beds while in private hospitals, the beds are (94) beds.

The indicators of the beds’ cycle in governmental hospitals is 38.2 
patients/bed in governmental hospitals and reaching (19.2) patients/bed.
Consequently, Subrata area and on places’ level are missing 
modern specialized hospitals; added to that, the lack of the medical cadre, 
nurses, and employees in health institutions in some places.
The study recommends the necessity to accelerate increasing health 
institutions existed through specialized and supervising centers and 
circles to fulfill their jobs in the appropriate form; working as well on 
filling the gap in health institutions of physicians and those with health 
careers, restructuring also the medical cadre in institutions due to 

Haynes ,R.M., The Geogaphy of Health Services in Britain , Croom 
Helm, London , 1987 .