Fertility and the factors affecting it in Hama Governorate (Syrian Arab Republic), a study of population geography

Document Type : Original Article


The phenomenon of procreation is considered one of the most 
importance demographical phenomena for it has huge effects on the life 
of individuals and families. The term "population fertility" refers to this 
phenomenon in any society.
In this study we will distinguish between kinds fertility and the methods 
to measure them in Hama Governorate _Syria Arab republic _ and focus 
on the factors that is influencing on it, such as: Span of marriage life, the 
impact of female education on fertility and family planning, use methods 
birth control and family planning (FP) , mother work and nature of this 
work and the number of male sons who was borned .The study also 
investigated the influence of income on average number of children, it 
was found that the higher the income was, the lower average number of 
births a woman would have.

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