“The military garrison in Pathyrites nome during the Ptolemaic period in the light of the Greek documents”

Document Type : Original Article


This research is presenting the political conditions were required for the 
creation of this military garrison at that time during the Ptolemaic period. 
Which led to the foundation of new army's garrisons in Thebes. Where 
the new garrison in Krokodilopolis (ὕπαηζξνο,νλ). another sub camp got 
attached to Pathyris and Latopolis which was called ὀρ ξσκα. These 
camps were found as a result of the procedures which were taken by 
Ptolemais Philometer between 180-145 B.C. This research also deals with 
the soldiers who served in those garrisons who were divided into paid 
soldiers κηζζνθόξνη and Persian soldiers Πέξζεο. It turns out that there 
were different types of troops which were called Πέξζεο ηῆο ἐπηγνλῆο 
besides reserve troops. Also it was found that there was a type of soldiers 
called θ ινβ ζ ιηζηαί who used to be paid by the king. Finally, the 
research takes into consideration the evolution of political conditions as a 
result of the period of disturbances and revolutions. The movements of 
the garrison soldiers were also identified through official letters between 
leaders and their soldiers; As a result of such disturbance and revolution it 
was found that the nome of Pathyrites has been disappeared in order to 
be re-named by ἗ξκσλζίηεο nome.


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