The Iranian occupation of the Arab Emirate of Ahwaz 1925 AD - 1979 AD

Document Type : Original Article


This research deals with a very dangerous and important phase of Ahwaz 
history that began with the fall of the Emirate of Muhammarah and the fall 
of Sheikh Khaza'al in 1925. It sheds light on an important aspect of the 
history of the region during this period. The policy of devolution and 
disruption of the Arab identity in Ahwaz and change the names of the Arab 
cities Ahwaz to Persian and the policy of ignorance and the policy of the 
Persian settlement and the displacement of the Arabs and the attempt to 
change the demographic land Ahwaz Arab, and economic measures Unfair 
right Arabs Ahwaz and Arab their land and give it to the Persians, And the 
racist policies of the Persian language, education, Arab schools and racial 
discrimination in the lives of Arab workers, employees and peasants, as 
their lives were characterized by hardship and deprivation. The policy of 
the Iranian occupation of arbitrary policy of systematic persecution 
contributed to deepen the cycle of want and abandonment, which aims to 
dissolve their national identity and change or weaken the Arab face of the 
region from In the course of several changes and policies in the 
administrative system and the courts of justice.

Donald Wilber: Riza Shah Pahlavi, The Resurrection and Iran 1878 – 1944, 
New York, United States of America, 1975, .
2. Ervand Abrahamian: Iran Between Two Revolutions, Princeton University 
Press, Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America, 1982.