The political position of women in ancient Egypt through education

Document Type : Original Article


The role played by women in ancient Egypt has been prominent 
and women have occupied many positions, such as a queen, princess, 
priestess, judge, writer, doctor and other important positions within the 
ancient Egyptian society, but we have not been able to identify the stages 
of education that women have received in order to achieve this political 
Within the royal court, the princesses and queens were given 
sufficient education, especially religious one. Princesses were assigned 
governesses to teach them principles of early education, which would 
serve as a platform for their future, as well as religious rituals and rituals 
within the palace in order to reach higher positions.
The Egyptian administration at that time allowed women to come 
to the throne, but her femininity did not hinder her from overcoming any 
difficulty .consequently, woman participated in this struggle the man, 
and the history of ancient Egypt is full of many women who have been 
crowned on Egypt's throne such as Queen Merit Nite (the first dyn); the 
Khantkos (the fourth dyn), which was the guardian over her son Sahura, 
she was a royal dynasty and had the right to inherit the throne. She was, 
in fact, the link between the fourth and fifth dynasty; Nite Ekret (the 
sixth dyn); Sobek Nefro (the twelfth dyn); Hatshepsut (the eighteen 
dyn); and "Tausert" (the nineteenth dyn). Women also played an 
important role in times of peace and war such as the queens Titi Shri;
Aiahahtep; Ahmos Nefertari; Ti; Nefertiti; Nefertari; besides that there 
were several prominent positions which were open to women in ancient 

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